So I unexpectedly received an email on Friday from an old high school mate that somehow managed to track me down through his older sister, who happened to have my email address (funny enough, through church I was hunted down).
Anyways, the content of the email is to round up the Grad Class of 1996 for our 10-Year High School Reunion! My goodness, the past 10 years have just flown by, as it hasn't felt like it's been 10 years since I've seen/been in contact with these people.
What are your thoughts about reunions such as these?!? To me, it's kind of a bragging rights reunion...people likely flaunting their wealth, career and family successes. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that, but in my mind, I can foresee this being a bragging contest. On the other hand, it would be nice to touch base with many that I haven't seen in the past 10 years!
In chatting with Mrs. L about this reunion business, she actually advised that there is such a thing as an Alumni page for our high school! There is a page available where you can post your name, email address and a small blurb to update others from your Grad class what you're up to and where you are currently residing. Methinks Mrs. L and Superstar will both update their info...for myself, I don't really think I need to as I'm still in touch with those that I want to be in touch with...how sad...I was looking for the school emblem, but the webpage is sooo low budget, I couldn't find one anywhere! But then again, it could be because of my poor searching skills... :)
I will be volunteering for Corporate Challenge next weekend. As an incentive to get volunteers (for the event I'm helping with, 16 volunteers are required as if the minimum requirements are not met, my company will not be invited to the next year's Corporate Challenge), other than the free T-Shirt (great, another night shirt), the company is providing one extra little incentive...a $50 gift certificate (not too sure where the GC will be for)! Of course this was unbeknownst to me when I signed up, but I guess this is a bonus!
The kids in SS today were extremely energetic (more so than usual), so I finished my lesson early so that we could spend some time outdoors (for them to expend their energy before service) and to cool down (our classroom was sweltering...even before I arrived, the kids already had both windows fully opened)!
As this was an impromptu decision to go outside I really had no planned activities. So I suggested they play frozen tag, boys vs. girls. I'm not sure if this game was not fun for the kids, they weren't athletic, didn't have the appropriate footwear or a combination of any of the above, they pretty much just wanted to stand around and chat. They attempted to play a bit, but really only 3 gals were participating (out of 8 gals) and only 3 guys were chasing/being chased (out of a possible 6 guys). Oh well, at least they were able to enjoy the fresh air outdoors.
Many were pleasantly shocked when I did not show up at church with a single speck of blue or black on me today (clothing wise I'm talking about)! I don't find that too impressive as I've been working hard at incorporating color into my wardrobe!
Haha, but it kinda backfired as Wacky and KEY were both wearing their versions of the skirt that I had bought (with credit given to them that they both bought the skirt when I was present and a couple weeks before I bought mine)! Of course we all had different color skirts on...I guess it just goes to show that GREAT minds think alike! Hahahaha!!!
Hmmm, that's all for now...this post was created for all you dedicated Vanilla Con blog readers as apparently I've been told I don't update my blog often enough (keeping in mind, there are many others that don't blog regularly too)!
Thanks for your dedication in reading the blog of a Vanilla flavored gal!