So as most of you know, Hurene and Dr. Matt are in Vegas...and therefore I am looking after their little one, our four-legged friend Emma! Boy oh boy, it sure is different having a little one wandering around here!
Hurene and Dr. Matt dropped her off this past Tuesday, later on in the evening...thankfully my small ladies group was here, so there were more legs around to distract Emma. H and Dr. M snuck out of here so quietly I even barely noticed...but poor Emma...as soon as they left, the poor little dog was so confused...she kept looking down the stairs and was doing laps around my main floor, looking for her owners! She didn't really bark at all, but one could tell she was scared.
Slowly, as the small group left, I was left all alone with Emma. I had already told H that I wasn't going to allow Emma to sleep with me (I've never slept with an animal before and secondly, I am paranoid that I would roll over and squish poor Emma)! So I proceed to head upstairs.
I could hear her barking from the bottom of the stairs, and I figured she would stop barking once that routine got old (I was assuming 5 minutes or so)...but nope...it was on again off again barking for like half an hour, so finally, she won...I came downstairs and slept on the couch. Again, Emma tried to jump up to sleep with me but I wouldn't allow it. So after a night of not too much rest (every time Emma heard me move she would bark at me), I reluctantly woke up to get ready for work.
But little did I know...Emma had a surprise waiting for me...sitting in a little heap in the middle of the kitchen were 3 small chunks of poo! Ahhh, this must have been revenge for me not allowing her to sleep with me...but I guess I really can't complain as she has been using the facilities sent up for her in the bathroom to do her deeds and being in a new environment, she likely was nervous as well (although I must say she did miss hitting the paper a couple of times, but at least she went in the right location)!
Then when I got home yesterday afternoon (I only was at work a half day yesterday and I'm off today and tomorrow..yay!), poor Emma...I don't know if she was excited to see me or nervous or a combination of both. I know the garage door scares her (it's pretty loud), but she was very jumpy when she saw me. But things are all good now...
She only tried twice to jump up on my couch (yes, I slept on the couch again) last night, but she did settle in nicely on her pillow. And she didn't bark at me at all throughout the night...so I think she's adjusting nicely.
All in all, so far so good...but I'm sure she misses Dr. M and Hurene a lot, but I think she's been relatively happy being here with me...she seems content now...as she's cuddled up next to me napping :)