So it dumped so much snow here this weekend...fine. The stupid condo association hasn't gotten anyone to shovel all this snow. Fine. I do my own driveway despite paying condo fees. Fine. I'm coming home from fellowship and I'm getting ready to take a left hand turn into my little crescent and there's an Explorer waiting there at the entrace/exit to make a right hand turn. Seeing as how there is so much snow I make every effort to give him as much room as poosible while trying to navigate the left turn.
I try driving in over the slight incline and I get stuck. My wheels are spinning like crazy and I can smell rubber burning, so I try to reverse a bit and try again. Again, same results. This goes on for about 3 minutes before I finally give up and gun it, finally making it over the incline.
Meanwhile this stupid Explorer makes his turn and gives me a bad look, not even considering jumping out of his piece of crap vehicle to offer help. To make matters worse, there's this mini van that pulled over beside the bus stop just outside of my crescent, sitting there THE WHOLE TIME watching me burn the rubber off my tires. Seriously, how RUDE is that, seeing that I'm struggling and again not even offering help?!?
And to think I helped a coworker out of the work parking lot yesterday seeing that she was struggling to her vehicle out of lot. In dress shoes, I got out and pushed, resulting in my newly washed pants getting sprayed. You'd think what goes around comes around, but apparently that always isn't the case.
Oh Man, that sucks. I don't like people like that. But maybe it's the "Hood". I mean, I got stuck trying to get into my alley way and as I'm trying to shovel my way out, a guy pulled over and asked if I needed help. Then him and his son spent the next while pushing me back and forth till I finally got trackson and made it to my driveway. So nice! Maybe you outta move! LOL
I agree with Wacky; it has got to be an indication of the area - not that it's low-income, (which it isn't), but that it is full of selfish ppl (which it might be). It also doesn't help that the turn you had to make was from a pretty major thoroughfare - lots of traffic!
That's too bad! I'm glad you made it out, though, and that gunning it actually did work in the end! I wonder why it didn't work the first few times when you spun your tires?
In recognition of the struggle you went through, I helped someone out today. Read my blog for the full scoop!
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