Hmmm, they (the superstitious) say bad things happen in three's. Is there truth to it?
First, my performance appraisal was due at the beginning of December. Due to holidays and the like, I didn't submit it until the new year. So I was already 1 month late with it, but that's not so bad given there have been others that were due from before that only was submitted recently. Fine...so just today my immediate supervisor tells me that he submitted my report to the big boss man to sign off on and to determine my raise percentage. My supervisor pulls me aside and asks if the big boss man had yet spoken to me yet...that kinda got me concerned. I said he hadn't and then he goes on to tell me that the big boss man is reluctant to give me another raise as I only received one 6 months ago! Thank goodness my supervisor had the guts to stick up for me and and to remind my big boss that it was requested byHR that I submit my annual performance review and that the previous review conducted in June was for my probationary period that led to my promotion. So the big boss man reluctantly agreed to review my PA. Sheesh...if I were a slacker that would be one thing, but seeing as how my immediate supervisor actually gave me an even better PA report than the one that was submitted for my previous promotion, I don't understand why my big boss was so grouchy about having to review my PA! And besides, my raise doesn't affect his pocket book, so what's the deal???
Secondly, coming home after a long day at work (it's been quite busy all week), I get stuck waiting for the stupid train to cross. That was more of an irritant than bad luck.
Lastly, as I sat there waiting for the train to cross, I hear this thud and it kinda came from no where...sounded like someone had thrown something on my windshield. I quickly checked and at first didn't see anything, but it was only after I started moving again did I see this HUGE crack across the bottom of my windshield!!! It's not like a couple inches long--the crack extends pretty much from one end of the windshield to the other. I know this is a result of a chip I inherited from a previous commute drive to work from a while ago. I think the combination of the cold air and the chip contributed to the crack. I might as well let it keep cracking until it obstructs my view before I get it replaced. Thankfully I think I'll be able to make it through until at least spring. Funny, the 2 cracks I have in my windshield are a result of commuting to work. I had no such 'bad luck' in the previous 3 years that I traveled the highways...
There you have it...does bad luck come in three's??? You decide.
Ouch Conster. Sorry to hear about the cracked windshield. That's why I don't buy Toyota. ;)
And those trains that cross 50th St....they take FOREVER!
Keep your chin up.
You should talk to Superstar, Vanilla C. She had a pretty awful yesterday herself, and it's car-related.
I'm just tired. Luckily, nothing too awful yet (but who knows, it may be coming!).
Hope you're having a better day today! I have to agree with you, car troubles are so annoying (I had to take my car in for repairs and got it back 2 weeks later!!), and those trains make me later than I already was! :)
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