This week just whizzed right by me, leaving me standing there in the dust! It was so incredibly busy, I don't even know how to begin describing what happened this week, but here goes...
I work within a small team comprised of a Team Leader (TL), two Senior Account Managers (SAM)--of which one is part time and the other full time and myself. The PT SAM has been on a leave of absence as her husband was initially diagnosed with menengitis and then he suffered a stroke (all our prayers are with her and her family). She has been off work since the early part of November and as such we've all had to carry a bit more of her workload, not a problem.
Then the other SAM went on holidays this week (thankfully only for a week) but was much deserved. She too has been having some problems with her family (her husband has been struggling with being bi-polar and her uncontrollable daughter one day called her at work to tell her she'd HAD a baby (the crazy part is that the daughter lived at home and nobody even noticed she was pregnant...she hid it well)! So between all these things, this SAM has been extremely stressed out, having to deal with this bi-polar situation since Christmas 2004 and then having to support her daughter and new granddaughter since the latter half of 2005.
Anyways, this week would've been just fine except for the fact that my TL was away sick for 3.5 of the 5 working days this week! So that led me to handle their portfolios along with my own (totaling roughly 500 members)! Now to some of you doctors out there, 500 is probably a really small number, however, in the banking world it's huge (especially since you're having to deal with issues of overdrafts and the like). Plus on top of all this, I had to ensure any referrals from our Contact Centre were also tended to.
Then this week we had our 4th(?) annual member appreciation reception at the Royal Glenora. That was nice but really time consuming (after a day at work, we had to attend this thing that lasted until 830 pm or so). That was nice, until I ran into my "stalker" from many moons ago, but that's another story ;)
I then tried to donate blood on Thursday, but was denied because my iron levels were too low (although the nurse assured me that it was 'normal'?). Shoot, now I have to wait another full cycle (56 days) before I am eligible to try again.
Then last night I went with KEY and our very own "Martha Stewart" to shop for our hot pot evening tonight. It was absolute insanity in T&T...one would've thought everything was free or something as the line ups were absolutely crazy! In total we spent a little over 2 hours there...nutty...!
So that's been my week in a nutshell. As much as I whine and complain about being too busy and stuff, I really am thankful that I am busy (haha, am gainfully employed) and that I have great friends, healthy family and friends and am getting my walk back on track spiritually with God, what more can I ask for as the year of the Dog approaches?
Gong hay fat choy to you all!
You are a busy gal! Hopefully this coming week will be more relaxing for you :)
How often do you donate blood? It's very generous...and BRAVE of you to! I'm too queasy to get needles so I have never donated blood before. I'm not even sure what blood type I have!
I try to donate as close to the eligible 56 days as possible. I donate because if it weren't for other donors, my Mom would've really struggled when she had The Boy many years ago. So I guess, I'm trying to repay those that so generously donated to my Mom, compounded with interest of course! :)
Stop calling me the boy! I have a name!
On a side note, I should give blood too.
Hey, we've set up a blog for us now...posted our first one! http://wackies.blogspot.com/
Okay YUK FAI...that's how I will refer to you from now on...so much for wanting to protect your identity!!!
Wackies: Yay! I'm so glad you left me your very first message as the "Wackies"! Looking forward to you "how to" posts with regards to home renos...
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