Remember how I said I was going to go for walks everyday during my noon hour??? So far it's lasted 1 week, and that's about it!!! I have found myself missing my daily walk due to prolonged meetings in the morning and as well in the early afternoons. With so much time spent in these meetings, my days have been completely shot as a result of these scheduled interruptions. I find myself lost in phone calls and with emails piling up in my inbox.
But after meeting with my small (*AWESOME*) ladies group this evening and reflecting on my spiritual walk, I find myself reflecting on the fact that I have not been prioritizing my efforts properly. We did this excercise (which Dr. D led) whereby we had to chart our spiritual journey thus far. I found my chart to be freakishly similar to that of Wacky's (which was of course completed independently of each other) in that my walk peaked during specific periods and dropped off during other times. We each took turns sharing personal and private thoughts with regards to our respective spiritual walks and it turns out even though we're each on a different paths, we all share one common thing, and that is to improve our walks and to keep each other accountable.
Where am I going with all this you might ask??? I really have no excuse for not spending more time doing devotions and the like as I have been blessed many times over with my carreer being well on track, I have a house in which I can call my own and a great group of friends and of course my family that are a great support system for me...but this evening I'm reminded that there must be certain priorities that must take precedence over other things. Why am I so concerned about returning calls and making sure the little envelope icon does not appear on my desktop and going for my noon hour walk, but it's not a big deal if I don't get around to doing regular devotions and spending time in prayer?
Someone slap me silly as obviously I have everything backwards!!! 2006 is my time to get into shape, both physically as well as spiritually! I would hope that others around me will continue to encourage and keep me accountable...I will reciprocate in return!
How about going on walks by yourself and using the time for scripture memorization, meditation and prayer?
Good goals, Vanilla C =)
But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. -Mt.6:33
I generally like to use my walks as the 'physical' exercise as I don't get enough of that. So I don't know that I can multi task that well (i.e. traffic downtown is always crazy so I don't want to be preoccupied with memorizing verses and then WHAP, be hit be a car)...great idea though! I did talk a bit about religion with The Walker (the gal I normally go with) so that was also a nice change of pace!
Very motivating thoughts! I'll have to get back on track with my devotions too...this reminded me how sorely lacking I've been with them lately.
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